Going The Wong Way I'm ALWAYS going the Wong way

Making Money By Blogging

So I’m not sure how many of you are aware of how often people actually make money off of blogging. Many of my readers probably are not very acquainted with the idea. They’re accustomed to doing things for free and because they like it. That’s fine and well, but there is in fact a market for actually making money simply by blogging. Amazing isn’t it?

Well now you might be wondering whether blogging is even worth it as a venture to make money. Let me point your attention to a site that teaches you how you can make money online. Even though right now I’m participating in a contest to review his site to get a backlink from his site, this really is a site that I have been subscribing to in my RSS reader.

To start off with, John Chow is a Canadian resident (whom none of you probably actually know personally) who started trying to turn his blog into a money-maker less than a year ago. He writes articles about how he is making money as well as ideas and tips for other people who would want to do the same. He uses his own site as a case study in how money can be made. In every month since he started his blog, he has enjoyed increased revenue. He is a proponent of a lot of different advertisements and partner deals (including the ubiquitous AdSense which I am using). With the combined revenue from all of his sources, he made a bit under $12,000 in the month of April. It’s pretty amazing to see what someone can do with just a blog! Of course the caveat to this for all of you is that his blog is less of a personal one and more of a targeted one. Nevertheless it’s impressive.

Although I generally read all of the articles, I think that the main downside that I see to what he is writing about is that he sometimes hits a ceiling in terms of content. Often (simply by the mere subject matter) there will be repetition in his advice so I can see how this blog will be very interesting initially but could lose interest for readers after they have read it for awhile.

Anyways, I have enjoyed reading about different ideas and methods that he’s used, and I suggest that anyone interested in the topic should take a look at it. This is especially useful for those that are hosting (or paying for hosting) of their own site as there is some cost to running the site.
